November Favourites!

Hey guys!

Holy crap. It’s almost the end of the year! We literally have one more month to go and then we’re in 2017! The year of the iphone 8, real hoverboards, good movies and hopefully a new United States president. Anyway, let’s go straight into it.

We’re gonna start with TV shows. I’ve been sick all this week and on tuesday and wednesday my parents let me stay home and I completely binged Gilmore Girls on Netflix. I have lots of friends who love Gilmore Girls so I thought I would try it out and I actually love it! I was told that sometimes nothing really happens and it’s really soft and can be a bit boring so I was wary going into it, thinking that I probably wouldn’t like it because I enjoy more action filled TV shows. But no, I actually loved it. There was plenty going on in the first season for me to be entertained so I’m sure the next 6 will be just as good. It’s pretty old as well, I think made in 2006, so some of the acting is a bit crap near the beginning and the camera quality isn’t that great but it’s enjoyable anyway. I’m also excited to watch the Gilmore Girls revival that everyone’s been ranting about. I’ve been trying not to look at any reviews or anything cause I want to experience it for myself.

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Next is Stranger Things. I had heard SO much about this and it sounded really good. At the time when it came out I was still watching Supernatural and I didn’t want to ruin the flow so I waited until I had finished Supernatural and then me and Ash watched Stranger Things at the same time. Holy shit it was amazing. Every episode had me hooked and I loved the mystery and cliffhanger on the last episode. I’m so so excited for season 2 to be out! I definitely recommend it.

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Now, I know I’ve mentioned this in a favourites before but I’m sorry, it’s just way too good not to put in again. As I said earlier, I finished watching Supernatural (well, the seasons that are on Australian Netflix. OH MY GOD IT ANNOYED ME SO MUCH WHEN THEY TOOK THE WHOLE OF SUPERNATURAL OFF AUSTRALIAN NETFLIX AND I WAS LIKE BITCH WTF WHY DO AMERICANS GET TO WATCH IT AND WE DON’T. SO I MADE MY MUM GO AND BUY SEASON 10 AND 11 ON DVD SO I CAN GET IT FOR CHRISTMAS. Okay rant over, let’s get back to the review) and the ending of season 9 was freaking crazy. I was home alone at the time and I literally got up as it ended and ran across the room screaming because HOLY SHIT. What happened to Dean made me want to die and I was literally already googling where I could buy season 10. So yeah, if you want a good, kind of scary, kind of dramatic, kind of funny, kind of romantic, kind of everything TV show then I would 100% recommend this. Also, if you want to stare at attractive men for 12 seasons then this is your solution. Because, I mean, just look at them. Sam and Dean. Then Castiel. And good old Crowley, the king of hell. Okay I should stop before I make myself have a stroke.

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Now onto a movie that I really liked. If you don’t know, I looooove documentaries. Especially ones about really pressing matters like global warming, animal cruelty, greenpeace, etc. So when my sister told me to watch The Cove on Netflix I was like yeah sure, why not. But I was not expecting what I saw. So The Cove is about this cove in Japan where they slaughter 23,000 dolphins every year and then the ones that they don’t kill, they sell to marine parks to be trained and held in captivity. And with the dolphins that are killed, they sell their meat. But people who are buying this meat aren’t aware of what it really is. Because of the water pollution in the world, dolphins carry a large amount of mercury in their bodies (which if you didn’t know, is poisonous) and so when humans eat this meat, they get really really sick. And the dolphin meat is also falsely branded sometimes, claiming that its whale meat because that’s a normal thing in Japan. But Japan doesn’t give two shits about that and they do it anyway. So the group doing this documentary are trying to get video evidence to stop the dolphin murders and then if they get that, they’re going to try and show that to the public at an annual international meeting. So there will be heaps of countries there talking about the ocean and stuff and this guy is gonna stroll in with a video showing dolphins being murdered in that cove. So yeah it’s a really good documentary and I really really loved it. I went a signed a petition afterwards with I’ll leave a link to here so that the dolphins killings can be stopped.

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Another documentary I liked was Cowspiracy. We were recommended to watch this by our sustainability group at school and I was actually shocked by it. I’ve been thinking of going vegetarian for a while now (my mum won’t let me until I’m 16 though) and this really secured my opinions about animal products and how animals are being treated and are effecting our world. If you’re a strong believer in animal freedom and global warming then I highly recommend this.

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Next onto a two book series that I read. The first one is called by Everyday by David Levithan and the sequel is called Another Day. They were both amazing and the cliffhanger ending annoyed me so much cause I want to know what happens so bad. It’s about this guy who switches bodies everyday and when he’s in the body of this guy, Justin, he meets Rhiannon who he falls in love with but Justin is her boyfriend. So it’s like their relationship with the guy not being the same person each day. The second book is from Rhiannon’s point of view and its similar to the first one but it’s more in depth with her feelings and her relationship with Justin. Its confusing but really good.

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And lastly, another book that I loved. I borrowed it from Ash and it’s called Holding Up The Universe by Jennifer Niven. Jennifer Niven also wrote All The Bright Places which is one of my favourite books ever. So I had high expectations for this one. And those expectations were met. I loved it sooooo much and it was so sweet and cute and relatable and I wanted to laugh and cry and scream all at once. So yes, definitely read this.

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And that’s the end of our very very long favourites post! Sorry about how long it is, I got a bit carried away this time. Anyway, now I’m gonna go and make some pancakes then watch another 20 episodes of Gilmore Girls. Sometimes being sick is good.

Love always

Jags xxx

October Favourites!

Hey guys!

I’m so so so late with this but that’s all cool I’m just going to do it anyway.

First is a book that seems like I read FOREVER ago. It’s Thanks For The Trouble by Tommy Wallach. Ash recommended it and it was so so good. At the end I was astounded by the plot twist and I was sobbing for the whole chapter. Definitely a good one if you want something uplifting, funny but also deep and sad at the same time.

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When I was down at my nans I bought a book called Breathing Under Water by Sophie Hardcastle. AHHH, THIS BOOK. It was a complete emotional rollercoaster and I loved it so much. I lent it to Ash and she loved it too. Its definitely one of my favourites.

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I really got into the classics during last month and there was a couple of books that I absolutely loved. First was Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. The disney version of Alice In Wonderland was one of my favourite movies as a child and I probably watched it at least once a week. So reading this book was a really interesting thing for me. If you liked the kids movie as well then I’m 100% sure you will enjoy this.

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I also read Peter Pan by J.M Barrie and it was so great. The disney version of Peter Pan was another of my favourite childhood movies and again it was a very interesting read. It was quite different from the movie and I enjoyed that change.

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Ash is all about romance movies and there was one she told me to watch called Flipped. Literally one of the best romance movies ever. It’s about two kids who know each other for ages and kinda fall in and out of love with each other. It’s on Netflix so if you have it then I highly recommend.

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Another movie I watched was 12 Years  A Slave. I heard a lot about this movie and I was delighted to find that it was on Netflix. The movie was so deep and inspiring. It was so sad but also very opening to see how Native Americans were treated by white people. I was literally sobbing throughout the movie but I completely loved it.

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I’ve begun using this hair detangling spray by muk and it not only detangles my hair but it reduces frizz as well. It makes my hair so much smoother and instead of this frizzy little curls they now dry in big smooth waves. If you have frizzy curly hair like me then I recommend using this.

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And that’s it for October Favourites! Damn, the year has gone by so quickly. It seems like only yesterday I was doing my first favourites post all the way back in January.

Have a lovely day!

Love always

Jags xxx

September Favourites!

Hey guys!

So sorry that I’m late but I just didn’t have the motvation this week. Let’s just start, shall we?

First is books. After much patient waiting for my school library to get this book, I read Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon! I literally read it in about two sittings. It was just so good! I would really recommend reading it and the plot twist at the end was so thrilling!

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I also read Words In Deep Blue by Cath Crowley which Ash recommended. This book was so cute! I loved the whole aspect of it and the bookstore in which one of the characters live is so amazing. Another strong recommendation.

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Ash is absolutely OBSESSED with Shawn Mendes so she of course forced me to pre-order his album Illuminate. I’m thanking her now. When I found out it had come out I actually ran and got my phone so I could listen to it. And it’s amazing! He is so talented and his music is always super good. Now I’m just awaiting an Ed Sheeran album…

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Last month I got really into podcasts so I went for a roam on the top rated list and found some really good ones. First is Serial. They go over crime cases for a whole season like murders and stuff and they try figure out if the person who was charged with it actually did it. So there’s only two seasons at the moment, one on a murder (I don’t think he did it!) and one on a soldier in the army who left his post and was captured by the Taliban. I’ve found myself getting so wound up in it and trying to figure out whether the person has a reasonable point or whether they actually murdered this girl. I can’t explain how thrilling it is.

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The other podcast is Casefile. They’re similar to Serial except they go over solved cases. So they study a case for a whole episode and basically just describe what happened. Then as it progresses the person who’s doing bad crap or whatever is usually caught and all ends well and good. The first one I listened to was on a kidnapping of Jaycee Lee Dugard and that’s when I got hooked. Thankfully the guy was caught but I was getting so sad and worried for Jaycee but it was so nice to hear she got to see her parents and family again.

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Last is a shampoo and conditioner my mum bought me. I have super frizzy and curly hair and sometimes it can get so out of hand. So my mum went out and bought a shampoo and conditioner that’s meant to help keep the frizz down a bit. It’s the TRESemme Keratin infusing shampoo and conditioner for smooth, easy to style hair. If you have hair like me then this is really good.

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I hope you’ve enjoyed this September favourites.

Have a wonderful October!

Love always,

Jags xxx

July Favourites!

Hey guys!

So I have a LOT of books in this months favourite because I’ve been reading so much and all of them have been amazing. I guess this will be good for book lovers like me!

First I have this berry scented Nail It nail polish which I wore all during my two week holiday. My school doesn’t let you wear nail polish (ugh freaking private schools) so I also grab any chance I get to paint my nails and I really loved this one!

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I got these cards from my Mum when she was in Melbourne and they’re just these cute little cards with quotes on them that I’ve stuck on my wall, I really like them!

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Now onto movies, I went to see the BFG at the cinema in the holidays with my cousin and it was soooo good! I loved Roald Dahl when I was younger and I read all of his books so when I found out that there was going to be a movie for the BFG I literally almost died. I definitely recommend that you go see it!

I also watched Easy A which I really enjoyed. It was really funny and entertaining, a good movie to watch with friends I think.

There was a Christmas in July fair in my town so I went to that with my parents. There was this stall with really cute succulents in teacups so we bought one for me and one for my sister! They are so pretty and I’ve put it on my bedside table next to the window, I love it so much!

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Now onto the many, many books I read this month. First is Frankie by Shivaun Plozza. THE PLOT TWIST KILLED ME. This was such a good book and I was literally sobbing reading the ending. It was like 12 am as well so my mum came in and was like What the hell are you doing? Why are you crying? And I just replied with sobs and held up the book.

Next: We Were Liars by  E. Lockhart. Again, plot twist was AMAZING. Although I was kind of confused with the ending because it didn’t really make sense, I still really enjoyed it.

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This book was a little different from the rest of these. It was more of a historical fiction book called The Wrong Boy by Suzy Zail. It’s set in World War 2 from the point of view of a Jewish girl who gets sent to a concentration camp with her family. It was so sad and eye opening but kind of educational as well. I really liked it, definitely something to read if you enjoy history.

Lastly, I read the Yearbook Committee by Sarah Ayoub which I borrowed from Ash. Its from 5 different point of views of high school students who are put onto the yearbook committee together. They become friends and go through a whole lot of drama together. I have to say, I finished this book like 2 hours ago and I was pretty disappointed with the ending. I think the author didn’t elaborate enough and should’ve made it more dramatic but I really really liked the beginning and middle.

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Hope you enjoyed this favourites! Maybe I’ll have something OTHER than books on my next favourites but I just love reading too much. Have an amazing day!

Love always

Jags xxx


Looking Through A Lens


One of my favourite things to do is take photos, it’s an amazing thing that makes me see life in such a different perspective. It shows some of the most beautiful things that are out there and photo opportunities are always around ever corner, waiting to be taken.

I wanted to share some photos i’ve taken with you, a bit of a boring post I know but I thought some people would find it interesting and I just wanted to do it for some reason.

I hope you enjoy looking at some of my photos!


I know they aren’t that great but oh well!


Love always
Jags xxx

💌February Favourites💌


Ahh the month of Valentines! Thank God it’s over…

So another month has gone by and i’m back with the monthly favourites!

So at number 1 I have the book that I really loved this month, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. It was a really interesting read and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a romantic book to make you cry – which is what I did for about half an hour.

Next on to movies. Recently I went to the cinema to see How To Be Single and I loooooved it! I wasn’t really expecting much when I went in but when I came out I was so amazed at how good it was. It was really funny and romantic and I love Rebel Wilson, in this movie, she makes me laugh so much (and of course she’s a fellow Australian).

So for music this month I listened to Purpose by Justin Bieber and it is amazing. I love it so much and I can’t stop listening to it! Some people still have something against JB but after listening to that album I had no regrets. And honestly, if you deny that he doesn’t look GREAT on the front cover then you should go and Love Yourself (see what I did there?!).

Of course I couldn’t leave out my favourite guy ever, so I just had to put Ed Sheeran in this (and it was also his birthday this month! Happy birthday Ed!) I discovered these 4 songs that were on the deluxe album of + that for some reason I had not heard and of course I went and bought them instantly. But 2 of them were so amazing, every time it started playing I couldn’t resist singing along. Usually I can at least restrain myself. So those 2 songs were Little Bird and Gold Rush. If you haven’t listened to them then GO do it now, because it is not something you want to miss out on!

Now this one might not be so relevant to some people because it’s an Australian thing – you poor souls! So I’ve had a bit of an obsession with Tim Tams this month…and I know these are only in Australia but seriously, if you get the opportunity, you need to try one because they are so goooooood. It’s like chocolate biscuit with chocolate moose in the middle, covered in chocolate! It sounds great but it tastes even better. I probably should stop before I go on a whole page just about Tim Tams.

My last item is these fairy lights I bought from Typo (is Typo just in Australia???) and I put them up in my room and I’ve sort of fallen in love with them. Whenever I do study or read, I instantly turn them on and it just makes my room feel so much more…magical. And a bonus – they have copper wiring! (Sorry but everyone loves copper).

So I hope you enjoyed these February favourites! I made it a bit shorter than last time, I thought it would be better.

Tell me in the comments what you’ve been loving this month!

And happy March everyone!

Love Jags xoxo